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Diving courses

Open Water Course by SSI


This is your entrance ticket to the underwater world. The Open Water course takes 5 days in which you will learn the principles of safe and enjoyable diving according to SSI - world leaders in diver education.


The Open Water Course has 5 theoretical lessons, where you will learn all the diving rules and regulations for safe and enjoyable diving, 5 confined water dives, where you will be training in safe protective water and you will learn all the basic and advanced diving skills that will enable you to be a good and safe diver. At the end of each confined water dive, we will go for a short dive to one of the reefs in shallow water in the area, as preparation for enjoyable and safe future dives in the open water section, which is the next step in the course. (The training dives in the confined water session take place in water where you can stand up and up to a maximum of 6 meters deep).


After finishing the training dives in the confined water session successfully, we will go out into the open water and progress slowly to a depth of 18 meters. At this stage in the course we will repeat the diving skills that you learned in the confined water. But mainly you will dive, dive and dive so that you will acquire to the optimal level of maximum buoyancy for good, safe and enjoyable diving, as well as respect for nature.


Terms and Conditions

12 years old (Junior Open Water Diver) on the first day of the course is minimum age. Any participant who is not yet 18 must have written permission from his parent.

Basic swimming skills

Good health. Every participant must fill out a medical form. If any question is answered positive, he must consult with a scuba diving doctor.



These courses are meant for anyone who wishes to begin a wonderful journey into the underwater world.

At the end of the course you will receive a certificate allowing you to dive to the depth of 18 meters accompanied by a diver who has a certificate at least one level above yours.

Medical statement for course

Advanced Open Water Course by SSI


After completing the SSI Open Water Course successfully, you would naturally be curious and crave to expand your horizons and knowledge in the world of diving.

Up till now you have dived to the depth of 18 meters, but after finishing The Advanced Open Water Course, you will learn and acquire the skills how to execute dives up to the depth of 30 meters in the safest and most enjoyable manner. Here your diving world will be opened to new possibilities such as, dives to ship wrecks, night dives and even underwater navigation and many more.

Most of the diving sites worldwide demand knowledge and experience more than Your Open Water training. During the Advanced Open Water Course you will acquire the knowledge and skills to be better and much more aware and safer divers.

The Advanced Open Water course is structured with 5 dives where each dive deals with a different aspect. Actually each dive familiarizes you with a specialty on each topic. Before each dive you will get a theoretical lesson on the subject matter of the chosen dive. The Advanced Open Water course has 2 compulsory dives: the dive of 30 meter depth and an underwater navigation dive. The rest of the dives are your choice from a long list of specialty dives. In order for you to get the most out of this course, we will recommend the dives that are relevant and most suitable for you.

We recommend to do a wreck dive, Underwater Naturalist dive, night dive. Peak Performance Buoyancy dive, Multilevel dive using a diving computer and last but not least underwater photography.


Who can participate in this course?

Any diver who has a SSI Open Water diver certificate, OR diver with an entry level certificate from another training agency.

12 years old is minimum age (Junior Advanced Open Water) on the first day of the course. Any participant who is not yet 18 must have written permission from his parent.

Each diver must have valid divers insurance (for those who do not have, you may follow the following link), an updated diving Log Book that shows proof of diving in the past 6 months. In case you latest dive was more than 6 months ago, you will be required to take a refresher dive.

It is highly recommended to go directly to the Advanced Open Water Course after completing your Open Water Course in order to ensure freshness and awareness of what you have just learned and to maintain your diving skills.


Scuba Diver Course


Have you always dreamed about SSI Open Water Course, but never found the time?

The Scuba Diver Course was created just for you, which is actually half the SSI Open Water Course, but still provides you with the certification to dive anywhere in the world.

The Scuba Diver Course takes about 2 and a half days only, 3 Theoretical lessons, 3 confined water dives and 2 open water dives.


Who can participate in the course?

12 years old (Junior Scuba Diver) on the first day of the course is minimum age. Any participant who is not yet 18 must have written permission from his parent.

Basic swimming skills are required.

Good health. Every participant must fill out a medical form. If any question is answered positive, he must consult with a scuba diving doctor (See medical form)



At the end of the course you will be able to dive to the depths of 12 meters only accompanied by a dive master, assistant diving instructor or diving instructor.

And you will be able to complete the SSI Open Water Course within 12 months.


Diver Stress & Rescue and the React Right Courses


Diving is a relaxing and enjoyable activity, but as with any sport, it's always best to know how to act in an emergency situation.


In this course you will learn how to anticipate points where problems could arise during the dive. You will be able to identify and treat the problem at the early stage, react quickly and correctly to any problem that could arise both above and below the water.

The course is divided into 2 parts and takes 3 days.

The first part is learning basic first aid and resuscitation (EFR) – takes one day.

The second part is learning and practice of incidents, reacting during the dive, applying self rescue and assisting your buddy in emergency situations. In addition, you will learn and practice how to avoid potential problems even before you go into the water to start your dive, something that will increase your safety and enjoyment underwater – takes two days.

It's possible to divide the course into two different dates. However, it is most beneficial to take the course in 3 consecutive days.

Participants who have a first aid certificate from various organizations (military, paramedics, etc.) are exempt from the first day.


Terms to participate

Minimum age is 12 on the day the course begins (Junior EFR)

Who can participate? Any diver who has a diving certificate from an Advanced Open Water level and above from any recognized diving organization.

Valid diving insurance and a diving log book where the most recent dive was not over 6 months before the beginning of the course.

This course will increase your feeling of safety and afford greater enjoyment underwater. It is an essential step before the Dive Master Course.


Dive Master Course


SSI Diver Master is the most meaningful step on the way to becoming a diving instructor.

The PADI Dive Master certificate allows you to work at any SSI diving center worldwide and constitutes the conditions to be accepted as candidates for the IDC instructors' course.


In the SSI instruction configuration, the rank of dive master is the Leadership level. SSI Dive master is registered as a member of the organization and is authorized to guide divers in guided dives, hold refresher courses and assist an authorized SSII Instructor in courses.

We at NEMO Divers are happy to be at your service all along the way so that you may acquire the knowledge and experience that are gained during the course in the most professional and relevant manner.

For divers of the Advanced Open Water level, the course could be done in 10 days with the addition of a rescue and Emergency First Respond course.

Qualification Subjects:

The course deals with acquiring and developing theoretical and practical knowledge and the necessary format to lead a group of divers.

Commanding and assisting the instructor in teaching diving courses in various stages in confined water and open water.


Expansion and development of theoretical knowledge to the level of instructor on the subject of physics and psychological of diving, dive tables and the decompression theory, equipment and the environment of diving.

Deeper knowledge of problem solving regarding the diving equipment, action principle and maintaining the compressor and air bank.

Use of SSI Instructor Manual, an instruction program that are authorized to lead by the SSI Divemaster, regulations and standards of the organization.

In the framework of the studies, an emphasis is placed on learning about the sea, consideration of the conditions of the sea and environment in planning practical dives, briefing and leading the divers in the water.


The course plan includes 12 lessons in the water and 12 academic subjects.

The activity in the water is focused on work with real divers on various subjects, such as:

Leading in guided dives or in SSI courses, refresher dives, carrying out required SSI diving skills according to the different SSII courses and programs.

The participants carry out their first lesson in front of students in an open water course, leading the group and refresh in front of the club counter in real time.

This experience is a basic element for training top divers and creates an authentic course, self confidence and proper specific training at no additional expense.


Terms to be accepted

Minimum age at beginning of course -18.

A minimum of 40 logged dives (for qualification 60 dives are required).

A periodical medical examination from a diving doctor, valid from one year from the beginning of the course.

A diving rescue certification from SSI or an equivalent from a different diving organization, an Emergency First Respond certificate not more than two years old.

Length of Course: 7 days, from rescue diving rank. Special perk: as a 3rd level diver, you are exempt from refresher course, as per the diving regulations.


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