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צלילות מודרכות

Guided dives


On a diving vacation like any other vacation you will want to enjoy every moment as much as possible.

With us at Nemo Divers, you can perform guided dives to all the leading diving sites in Eilat in small and individual groups.

Up to only 4 divers in the group which will ensure you more underwater enjoyment and an unforgettable experience without being rushed or having to finish your dive prematurely.

The most prominent and unique advantage we have to offer in our guided dives apart from the small groups is a broad knowledge of the inhabitants of the underwater environment and many years of familiarity with the fish and reef so we can expose you to sights and fish you did not know existed.

We will provide each diver with full equipment that includes diving shoes and a personal computer at no extra charge because we believe in the comfort and safety of each diver.


Diving insurance

Recommended diving sites in Eilat

ביטוח צלילה


Joshuah and Moses Rocks


These rocks are the highlight of coral Beach. The dive is shallow (up to 8 meters) and suitable for all levels of diving. Diving on these sites will leave a taste of more and no doubt you will want to visit there numerous times and especially those of you who are interested in underwater photography.

Nature Reserve - Coral Beach


Coral Beach is located in the northern part of the Coral Reserve in Eilat. In this area there are lots of different options and dive routes, from shallow, long and relaxing dives alongside the thousands of fish and corals OR do deep dives (up to 30 meters) on the steep slope completely covered in coral.

The cave site


This site is very shallow (between 4 and 7 meters) but amazing in its beauty and different from most dive sites in Eilat. Along the reef full of corals and fish we can find several openings and passages where one of them is particularly prominent and allows divers to enter through it. At this site you can find crocodile fish, Lionfish, Blue Spotted Stingrays and dozens of other species of fish. This site is highly recommended and suitable for all levels of diving. The site is located about 300 meters south of the lighthouse beach.

University dive site (Lighthouse Beach)


The entrance and exit to the site is done through the Lighthouse Beach and the diving is done at the IUI Marine University Beach. There we can see countless experiments and studies carried out underwater by the students that also include coral farms. On this site we can find plenty of surprises, there is no knowing what awaits us on this site, whether it be a sea turtle or a a sting ray or even a camouflaged frogfish. The depth of the dive at the site is up to about 16 meters and is suitable for all levels of diving.

Wreck Dive -  Mosquito


A small patrol boat made of fiberglass and aluminum was also deliberately sunk in 1986. The wreck is about 14 meters long and 6 meters wide. The site is located in the northern part of Coral Beach in Eilat, about 90 meters from the beach and lies at a depth of 30 meters. This site is for divers of Advanced divers and above.

Neptune tables


This site is named after the Acropora corals which are huge stone corals in the shape of a table. Also on this site you can do a number of different routes at shallow depths along the reef up to 30 meters where we can find plenty of giant table corals. In the Gulf of Eilat.

Wreck Dive - SATILL

A missile boat called "Storm" that was deliberately sunk in 1994. The length of the wreck is about 45 meters and its width ranges from 5 to 7 meters, the wreck is made of metal. The SATILL Wreck is located in the southern marina of Eilat  80 meters from the beach and lies at a depth of 24 meters

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